Drivers for RTI XP Processors

If you are looking for a driver that isn’t available by me or someone else, you may want to drop me an email and ask because there is a chance I have one or at least a partial(does what I needed it to do) for a device. All of the drivers listed below that cost money will work for a period of time without a valid serial number. 

If you are interested in a valid serial number for a driver that costs money, please send the cost listed via paypal to my email address. If you don’t know what it is, use the contact me form to send me a message. I will reply with it. All drivers listed should have a basic sample file that can be used as a starting or reference point.

Driver Categories:

(All Categories) Drivers
Name: 4X4 Matrix Switch
Manufacturer: SnapAV
Model: B-210
Driver Version: 1.01
Last updated: 4/16/2011
Cost: $0.00
Download Link: Download
Driver in Action: Video Link
Driver download count: 814

This driver is for a SnapAV 4X4 B-210 HDMI 1.3 Matrix switch.

All Input and Output names can be pre-assigned in the driver configuration settings.

This switch can’t be queried unless it is turned on. The driver will turn the switch on when it is first loaded in order to query the switch

It is not possible to turn a specific output on without first turning on the main power. If the main power is turned on from an off state, it will automatically turn on every output to the last input that it was selected to. If the main power is set to off and you turn a specific output on, all other outputs will be turned on to their last input they were set to.
Name: 8X8 Matrix Switch
Manufacturer: SnapAV
Model: B-200
Driver Version: 1.1
Last updated: 1/24/2012
Cost: $0.00
Download Link: Download
Driver in Action: Video Link
Driver download count: 169

This driver is for a SnapAV 8X8 B-210 Component Matrix switch.
All Input and Output names can be pre-assigned in the driver configuration settings.

This switch can’t be queried unless it is turned on. The driver will turn the switch on when it is first loaded in order to query the switch

It is not possible to turn a specific output on without first turning on the main power. If the main power is turned on from an off state, it will automatically turn on every output to the last input that it was selected to. If the main power is set to off and you turn a specific output on, all other outputs will be turned on to their last input they were set to.
Name: Octava 4X1
Manufacturer: Octava
Model: 4X1
Driver Version: 1
Last updated: 10/28/2013
Cost: $25.00
Download Link: Download
Driver download count: 25

This driver can control up to 4 Octava 4X1 Switches with a single instance of the driver. By default the first switch will be set for all remotes to control.
Each switch can be controlled individually or all switches can be controlled at the same time.  Multiple commands can be set at the same time (eg you can set the switch to change the input to HDMI 1 and the audio to Digital 4).    All switches can be turned off with a single command
Name: Power Switch
Manufacturer: Digital Loggers,inc
Model: Web Power Switch 4
Driver Version: 2.0
Last updated: 3/2/2017
Cost: $20.00
Download Link: Download
Driver download count: 242

This is a basic 2-way driver for a “Web Power Switch” ( The driver can control up to 10 Digital Logger Switches with a single instance.

The driver will poll for outlet status every 90 seconds(adjustable in the driver configuration).  A global setting is turned on by default for the default delay,TCP Port and Querying for outlet names.  A separate schedule can be used to query the outlet names that have been assigned in the web configuration for this switch.  If you do not use this feature, the names assigned in the driver configuration will be used.

There is a 2-way list available for easily managing outlet status. This was added to make it easier to manage a lot of switches and outlets.

The list can be used 3 different ways
  1. Will list all switches used.  When a switch is selected from the list, it will list the outlets for that switch(List Selection Command is: Select and Nest)  This is the default way the list will work when the driver loads
  2. Will list all switches used.  When a list is selected from the list, it will select the switch and the first outlet but will not nest down(List Selection Command is:Select Only).  (Page 2 of the sample shows the idea of how it would be used that way)
  3. Will list all outlets for all switches.  (To show all the outlets in the list, you can either execute the command: Switch List View Type or select Show All Outets from the list that will show up if more than one switch is configured)  The list selection name command to use is: Select and Nest.  This will not try to nest if “Show All Outlets” is set to true. 
If only one switch is used, the list will only show the outlet names.  When you select an item in the list, it will set that remote specific controlling variable to that outlet or switch.  A second 2-way list called All Switches and Outlet Status will list all outlets from all switches in a single list

[Warning] Depending on your power query or dynamic name polling, there will be periods of time where the text listed in the 2-way list is not accurate or not available.

Revision History
1.0    Initial Release (Released 04/12/2012)
2.0    Updated to support up to 10 Digital Logger Switches, 2-way list for controlling outlets, remote         specific selections (Released 03/07/2014)
2.1    Update the driver to support the Power Controller 5 switch.  Added Master Control support

  • Turn an outlet on, off,toggle or power cycle (if the outlet is powered off, power cycle will not turn the outlet on)
  • Run a script stored on the web power switch
  • Turn all outlets on, off or cycle on all switches
  • Outlet and Switch names setup in the web configuration for the switch
  • Outlet ON
  • Outlet OFF
  • Outlet Locked
  • Outlet Unlocked
  • Rebooting
  • Switch Connected
  • Switch Not Connected
  • Selected Outlet and Switch names setup in the web configuration for the switch
  • Selected Outlet ON
  • Selected Outlet OFF
  • Selected Outlet Locked
  • Selected Outlet Unlocked
  • Selected Rebooting
  • Selected Switch Connected
  • Selected Switch Not Connected
  • Events
  • Outlet Turned On
  • Outlet Turned Off
  • Switch Login Failed
Name: And | OR
Driver Version: 1.0
Last updated: 9/3/2012
Cost: $0.00
Download Link: Download
Driver download count: 386

This driver was made to allow someone to set a variable to true based on the state of multiple other variables.  In a multizone environment where shared source pages exists, there may be text, buttons,etc that need to be shown but only when that area is selected and that area is doing something.

Up to 20 Parent Level Variables can be set with up to 20 sub variables.   The total count selected for sub variables will show for all Parent Variables.  The only sub variables that are used in code are the variable s that are set in the driver meaning if no variable is set, the driver will ignore it.   You could set something to 20 different variables for one Parent variable and only use 2 sub variables for another even though all 20 will show up.

At this time you can use an OR then an AND.   All ORs should be used last

Revision History
1.0    The Initial release of the driver

Variables (Up to 20)
  • Var Set to True
  • Var Set to False

Triggered Events (Up to 20)
  • When Var Set to True
  • When Var Set To False

Name: Event Timer
Manufacturer: N/A
Model: N/A
Driver Version: 1.0
Last updated: 7/15/2011
Cost: $0.00
Download Link: Download
Driver download count: 1187

This is a basic driver I have been using to simulate an animated gif as well as showing count up and count down times on please wait pages. Default settings can be set in the driver configuration, but can also be overridden with a command.

To use the driver, set the total number of pictures in your image list and the amount of time in milliseconds to delay between changing the images in the driver configuration. Put an image list on a page and set to use the current slide variable, and then set your first command to start the timer and your last command to stop your timer in your macros. The timer will run for a maximum of 60 seconds if a stop command isn’t executed.

There are 3 counter variables
Current Slide count (Used to cycle through an image list)
Total Current Count (Used to show a total time elapsed)
Count down Count (Used to display a countdown count)

“Total Current Count” and “Count down Count” should be used with the manual settings start command because the default time is automatically set to 60 seconds. If the total time entered is greater than 60 seconds, the time will be reset to 60 seconds.

There are 2 variables and 2 events that can be used to determine if a timer is running or stopped.

This is a single timer, so for best results, I would recommend using a new instance of the driver for each remote you want to use an animated image or count down timer on.
Name: EventGhost
Manufacturer: N/A
Model: N/A
Driver Version: 1.0
Last updated: 1/25/2012
Cost: $10.00
Download Link: Download
Driver download count: 1354

I have 2 versions of this driver.  

Version 1:
This is a ONE WAY ONLY driver for controlling a specific Event Ghost profile that is included with the driver. The profile is tailored specifically towards controlling Windows Media center. It will allow a manual string to be passed to Event Ghost to make it easy to add and support changes or additions to an Event Ghost profile. The included Event Ghost Profile has all keyboard controls available, along with a few other misc stuff.

The main reason for making a driver is EventGhost can be controlled via serial or IP connection to the PC.

The Event ghost profile and RTI driver support the following:
  • Remote specific Keyboard popup
  • Full Media center Navigation
  • Full PowerDVD Navigation
  • Full Keyboard
  • Any Manual String to be sent to event ghost (add whatever you want to the Event Ghost Profile)
Version 2 ($25.00 single computer or $50.00 up to 20 computers):
  • The 2nd version can control up to 20 connections and control VMC Controller,EventGhost including the 2 way websocket plugin and Kodi.  2 way feedback is available for Kodi,VMC Controller and running windows applications that are setup in EventGhost.
  • Version 2 is not available for download at this time.  If you are interested in testing it, please send me a email or a private message on RTI's forums.
Event Ghost can be downloaded from

This driver will work for 2 hours without a valid XP specific serial number.

Name: Generic Image list paging
Driver Version: 1
Last updated: 6/18/2013
Cost: $0.00
Download Link: Download
Driver download count: 523

This driver was created to fill in the gap of not being able to use horizontal scrolling lists as well as reduce the time it takes to manage these lists across multiple different devices(i.e. you can use the same macros and commands).

There are two options for navigating.

    You can shift the images forward or backward by X (e.g. move everything forward or backward by 1).
    You can shift the images by an entire page(page size is setup in the driver configuration).  Set Shift by to 0 to move all the images over by one page (if there are not enough images to fill a page, the title will be cleared and the integer will be set to 0 for that imagelist (avoids showing duplicates).

Image popups

This part can get a bit tricky as it has a lot of options.  The simplest way is to use the variable“popup” and not use any transitions.   If you are going to use transitions, there are additional variables set to show different items before or after the transition has happened.  The sample provided uses an image list with 7images to demonstrate how it works. Pay attention to the variables used for visible.   All image specific variables are set to true after the transition is complete.

ImageList Overrides

It is possible to override an image list to show another image or change the text for the selected image.  The idea behind this is to allow someone to show an action based icon or text that gets reset when that action has been completed. (eg. Rebooting).  These over rides can be done from the remote control or from a system macro.  When using a XP based System Macro, you must specify the name of the remote control that you want to update.  At this time, it will not update all remotes.  This whole idea is only a concept/idea.    When an image list has been overridden, an additional locked variable is set for that image list.  This was done to help simplify the macro selection (eg.  When locked, the imagelist is not selectable).    Regardless of the override, if a page navigation command is executed, that image list will be unlocked and updated to show the correct image based on the page or shift.

Gotcha’s to watch for

    Make sure your image list has the same number of images that are specified in the driver configuration under “Total Images in Image List”
    When setting different page sizes for remotes, make sure the name of the remote is the same as you named it in Integration designer.
    When using a transition popup, make sure that you are using the variable “ExpandedShow on Open” for the transition background and “Expanded Show After Open” for any other non-transition graphic you want to show after the transition is complete

Since this is only a helper driver to fill in a void that with any hope will become obsolete sooner or later, a lot of the additional logic items were not completed to make it a more robust page navigation driver.

What should be done?

    Image locks should move with Page navigation
    Image locks and over rides should update all remotes

The driver supports up to 20 imagelists and 20 remotes(each remote can have a different page size).  It also takes advantage of RTI’s new dynamic configuration update that is included in the latest firmware.   The driver is currently free(this may change) however it does require a serial number to run for longer than 2 hours.  You can generate a serial number for this driver from here

Hopefully RTI releases this ability natively in a future update.  I wrote the driver because I needed the ability to do it right now.  The sample provided shows most of what can be done, however there are some additional features that I have not documented yet.

Name: Holidays and Seasons
Manufacturer: N/A
Model: N/A
Driver Version: 1.0
Last updated: 12/6/2011
Cost: $20.00
Download Link: Download
Driver in Action: Video Link
Driver download count: 767

This driver will run a job once a day at 12:02AM to check to see if the current day is a holiday using as a resource. The driver will search for this information every time it is loaded (XP is rebooted). If it fails to retrieve the data, it will try again every 15 minutes for a maximum of 4 times a day.

This driver relies on the for data, if a new holiday is added, the ID will be added to the last count(“Holiday New 1” would be 35, “Holiday New 2” would be 36) I have no control over this service, if it stops working the driver will also fail. Included is an item list that can be used to trouble shoot what ID is associated with what holiday in case a future holiday is added.

When more than one holiday is on a single day a scheduled timer that is user adjustable can be used to alternate the between the holidays. (i.e. Every 15 minutes change from one to the other). If this timer is set to zero, or disabled the first holiday found for that date will be the only one listed. All holidays both auto and manually created will trigger an event.

Manual dates can be setup and entered in the driver configuration for Events,Birthdays, Anniversary’s,etc. The basic driver includes 20 dates that can be used. There is an option to enable the driver to calculate years for each of these dates. Each manually enterd date will have a integer value associated with it that will be updated if calculate age is checked. If a event name has “%%” in the name, it will be replaced with the time in years. In the driver configuration, a name that looks like this “Happy %% Anniversary” will look like this “Happy 30th Anniversary” if calculate years is enabled.

Four static dates have been set to keep track of the current season. These dates are set to the following
1) Winter: December 21st
2) Spring: March 20th
3) Summer: June 21st
4) Fall: September 22nd

At the time this driver was written the holidaywebservice returned the following holidays. They have been manually associated with the following integers:
1) New Year's Day
2) New Year's Day (Observed)
3) Martin Luther King's Birthday
4) Martin Luther King's Birthday (Observed)
5) Groundhog Day
6) Abraham Lincoln's Birthday
7) Valentine's Day
8 ) President's Day
9) George Washington's Birthday
10) Shrove Tuesday (Fat Tuesday)
11) Ash Wednesday
12) St. Patrick's Day
13) April Fool’s Day
14) Good Friday
15) Easter
16) Earth Day
17) Cinco de Mayo
18) Mother's Day
19) Memorial Day
20) Flag Day
21) Father's Day
22) Independence Day
23) Independence Day (Observed)
24) Labor Day
25) Patriot Day
26) Columbus Day
27) Halloween
28) Veteran's Day
29) Veteran's Day (Observed)
30) Thanksgiving
31) Black Friday
32) Christmas
33) Christmas (Observed)
34) New Year's Eve

The daily event timer will only run if you provide a valid serial number. To test the driver, I added the ability to manually set the current date. This function will work without a valid serial number.
Name: MagicUFO
Driver Version: .85
Last updated: 1/1/2016
Cost: $10.00
Download Link: Download
Driver download count: 64

Magic UFO RGBW LED Wifi Controller

This driver provides 2-way control of the Zengge RGB LED Wifi Controller from within RTI.  The driver will support up to 30 separate controllers and up to 15 different groups.

Groups are maintained in the driver configuration.  Group commands are unable to send out synchronized commands.  They are sent out one at a time, so there is no way to change all members of a group at the exact same time.

These controllers do not provide a separate color brightness level.  The brightness is controlled by the largest RGB value.   Each color has a range from 0 to the current brightness setting (max 255).

There are separate variables for selected controller and selected group.  All variables for selected group are set from the first controller that is in the group.

To help provide instant feedback all changes are written to the remotes immediately after a command has been executed.  A separate status timer is then used to query the controller for the current settings.
Manufacturer’s website - 
Available from -
Name: Master Control
Driver Version: .9
Last updated: 12/12/2015
Cost: $0.00
Download Link: Download
Driver download count: 221


This driver is not going to be free (price is undetermined right now).  I also think that the majority of what thisdriver does should be a native feature built into RTI, but that is currentlysomething they do not provide.

If you do multi zone systemsin RTI it shouldn’t take long before you see how ridiculously easy it is to dothem using Master Control, especially when all the drivers you use supportit.  I have written a few drivers to helpget the ball rolling(more info on what those drivers are is coming soon), butfor long term success it will require support from all driver writers.   To help with this, I will be posting simplegeneric add-ons in the developers section that can be added to almost anydriver to enable support for Master Control. These additions take minimal time to implement, so there can be noexcuse for not supporting master control.


Before getting into the details of Master Control, Iwant to first start off with a little history.

RTI originally released UsageTracker Driver” in December 2010, In June 2011 Terry released his spin off ofthe idea and called it Virtual Selector. then in July of 2011,  I tookRTI’s idea and expanded on it calling it “My Tracker”,  In October 2011 Terry expanded on VirtualSelector and added tracking calling it VMS. Terry and I did not know each other at the time nor did we collaborateon the whole tracking driver idea.  Heworked on his version and I worked on mine. His version was gaining attentionand a lot more traction.  I prefer towork with people as opposed to against them, so to avoid confusion by having competing drivers I pulled “My Tracker”and stopped sharing my revised versions of it.  But…. I never stopped working on it or the whole concept  of trying to make it easier to maintain andmanage multizone systems in RTI with a driver.  Cjwood posted a similar idea in the developers section and some examplesa year or so ago.  I can’t find theactual post to reference.   I lost countlong ago of the number of versions and failed “this will be the greatest thingever” ideas for maintaining and tracking things in RTI  over the years.  It has been educational and incrediblypainful!! But……after a massive amount of failures I believe I have found theright path and am calling it “Master Control”. While it is new to the public realm, I have been using a constantlyevolving version of Master Control in jobs for a while now.  It has proven to be very successful meaningit works, is easy to setup, maintain and scales infinitely.    Instead of thinking of this as a competingdriver, I think of it as a driver to help evolve the entire RTI trackingmanagement ecosystem.  I along with a fewothers that I know of have all shared the same goal, make RTI a betterproduct.  Everything about this driverand how it works is done with that simple goal in mind. 

It is and has always been RTIwho triggered the idea of a tracking type driver.  Thank you RTI Andy for the idea.  Master Control would also not be possible hadRTI not recently documented a core component that is used to make everythingwork.  THANK YOU RTI! 

In a nut shell this is how Master Control works:

All remotes use MasterControl commands and variables instead of their actual device hardware commandsand variables.   Instead of thetraditional way of having the management driver or macro on a button call asystem macro that executes all the commands needed to perform the appropriatetask for that request,  Master Controlmanages sending the appropriate commands to the appropriate drivers directlyusing a standard protocol(created by me). The supporting drivers interpret this standard protocol and send thedevice specific commands to the device or devices they are controlling.  This eliminates all the tedious easy to makemistake tasks (set this zone or source to control, turn this on, wait this longturn that on,etc).   All tracking of whois doing what is managed and maintained by Master Control.  Changing from one amp, display or matrixdriver to another requires almost zero configuration, changes in ID or systemmacros and requires zero changes to any remotes;  this also expands to supporting sourcedrivers.(Roku, DirectTV, Squeezebox, Sony Blu-Ray to name a few that existtoday(will be available when master control is officially released).   With exception of page redirect macros, asystem of almost any size will require zero system macros, you simple put onecommand on your button that tells master control what source to start in whatzone or zones and you are done.


All levels (volume, tonalcontrols, etc) are scaled to 0-100%. This allows you to  make aconsistent layout utilizing a single slider, button, etc to control or show thelevel for the selected “thing”.  A singledisplay setting page can be used to control all TV’s in the project;  same thing for AVR/Mzone/Matrix settings,etc   No stacking or unique hardware adjust pagesare necessary.  Master Control allows anend user or integrator to save preset volume and tonal controls (resolves theissue of the AD series amps forgetting their settings when they losepower).  By default it will always setvolume levels to 0 before turning off and then back to the default or presetlevel when turning back on (eliminates any popping sounds when turning backon).

All configuration is done inthe Master Control driver configuration. You tell it how many zones, how many sources and what zones areassociated with what devices, then set the appropriate input for each sourcefor each zone that can play that source.  All of the supporting hardware drivers I have written have a connectionoption that allows the driver to run in virtual mode.  This was done to make it easier and faster totest while preprogramming a job.  Theonly thing you need to do before pushing the file out to a real job is changethe connection to the real connection type (serial or IP).  This also makes it super easy to show a realworld working demo of your latest cool existing project to a new potentialcustomer, with minimal to zero work(just put all the drivers in virtual mode,including the source drivers(more on this coming soon), push it to yourprocessor and show it off to a client.

I had hoped/planned onofficially releasing the diver and a collection of supporting drivers thismonth, but haven’t had enough free time to write a couple of pieces that areneeded to make Master Control usable by anyone (configuration andtroubleshooting tools).   Due to this,I’m only sharing a couple of simple sample files (5 zones, 7 sources. T2x,iPad,RK1) that will hopefully draw interest and excitement to the entire conceptbefore it is actually released.  Both ofthe samples are slightly altered files from a real world job I did a whileback.  Both samples have all the sourceand utility drivers pulled from them. The first sample uses all supporting drivers.  The second sample shows the same file but howyou would set it up using a unsupported Matrix switch and using IR only forcontrol over the displays.  The best wayto understand how the driver and supporting drivers work will be to downloadand use the sample exactly how it is on your own processor.  After you have played around with it, thenstart looking at the driver configuration and how to set things up (each itemin the driver configuration is briefly explained under get info for MasterControl).   [b]The sample and what I havesaid so far only scratch the surface of what this driver can do or where it isheaded.  [/b] There are currently no easyto use troubleshooting tools/logging, so unless you are familiar with howeverything works it can be tough to troubleshoot. These tools/logging willexist when the driver is released.

Here are a few things to never forget about thisdriver:

  • 1.   Its sole purposeis to make it faster and easier to do multizone systems

  • 2.   While the driverwill work without supported drivers, the true value only comes into play whenat least all of your amplifier drivers are supported

  • 3.   You can usedrivers that are not supported by Master Control for direct control.  This is done by putting in one of the virtualdrivers and using master controls events to call a macro that has theappropriate commands.  While not ideal,when/if the non-supported driver is updated to support master control, it willtake seconds to swap out the virtual driver with the real one and be up andrunning.

  • 4.   You can alwaysuse a driver specific command or utilize an event that calls a system macro todo extra things.

Please do notforget that I am a one man show, so the entire flow of how things work comesfrom my experiences using RTI as a control system in jobs over the years.  A lot of effort has been put in toaccommodate as much flexibility as possible; there will be some things that mayappear confusing at first.    This is notthe be all end all solution, however it is something that I hope can gaintraction in the community, so it can be improved/evolved by everyone movingforward.  It has served me well and Ithink will help others too.

Open Items:

  • ?       Improve the way sound modes are handled by MasterControl

  • ?       General cleanup, documentation and better logging

  • ?       Easy to use configuration tool(this is the sole reasonI’m not releasing the driver yet)

  • ?       Easy to use trouble shooting tool(an automated processis only as good as its troubleshooting tools, another reason I’m not releasingthe driver yet)

  • ?       Fix a couple of misc. items to help speed things up

  • ?       Add the ability to manually set a Zone to aSource(right now all tracking requires 2 way communication, so you must utilizevirtual drivers so everything can be accurately tracked)

Very soon additional features to beenabled(approximately two weeks; all joking aside, VERY SOON!)

  • ?       Add the ability to manage image lists similar to howthe image list driverworks.

    • This feature willallow someone to set groups of image lists and assign these groups tocontainers.  You will specify how manypages per remote you want to use and then let the Master Control manage what isshown. Unlike the imagelist driver, you will only need a single containercommand to execute whatever function is needed for that image shown. There isan option that will auto center per row each image list, to help with graphicalpresentation.  This is done to letsomeone setup a system of any size and never have to touch the interface whenthey use it for smaller jobs.  It willautomatically adjust based on the number of zones, sources, settings you havesetup in Master Control

  • ?       Expand the number of zones and sources. Right now itsupports up to 24 zones and 24 sources

  • ?       Expand the number of hardware device counts.  Right now it supports up to 10 Amps,20Displays, 5 Video Matrix switches, 5 Audio Matrix switches

  • ?       Zone and Source Grouping, syncing

  • ?       Enable the ability to set schedules and createscenes(it works very similar to how Savants scenes and scheduling works).

  • ?       Online Management of configurations and storedsettings as well as on the fly dynamic changes to master control(no download toprocessor needed).

  • ?       Lighting management(this all ties into the schedulingand scene management)

All drivers in the samplesrequire a serial number and are all set to expire on January 31st 2016.  To obtain a serial number please go serialgenerator and select Master Control for the driver and enter your MACaddress.  The same serial number used forMaster Control will work with all the virtual drivers in the sample.  When the driver is officially released, Iwill do my best to make as many different sample files as I can that clearlyshow all the different features and options available.  There are some tricky/useful things that I’mcurrently not showing in the samples provided.

Password for samples is "remote"

Now we just need RTI to allowa driver to directly interact with MPIO ports, so an IR driver could be createdthat managed the port routing for you. This is the last piece that still forces me to waste time setting upsystems with RTI.

Name: Remote Specific Vars
Manufacturer: N/A
Driver Version: 1
Last updated: 6/1/2012
Cost: $0.00
Download Link: Download
Driver download count: 161


Remote Specific Vars

Up to 50 remote specific variables can be used to make it easier forpresenting popups or information on remote controls.



1.0         InitialRelease


  • Set to true, false or toggle a remote specific variable(command runs on the remote)
  • Set to true, false or toggle a remote specific variable from a XP processor(you must input the remote control names that are listed in Integration Designer for this to work.
  • Clear all vars for a remote


  • Var True
  • Var False
  • A Var is true (if any var is true for a remote)
  • Remote Control Name


Name: Simultaneous
macro launching
Manufacturer: N/A
Driver Version: 1.0
Last updated: 8/4/2011
Cost: $0.00
Download Link: Download
Driver download count: 285

Timers for starting macros

This driver allows you to start macros after (X amount of seconds, minutes or hours.  It will accept multiple macros to be fired off at the set time with a separate second interval between the additional macros.  If using minutes or hours, the time delay between additional macros will be in seconds only.

Macros are separated with a comma.

The driver was written to make it possible to fire off sequential macros as well as keep the time spent on please wait pages as short as possible.  A example would be to create a macro that contained the input command for a projector or TV.  In your power on command, you would send power on and then a second command using the driver to wait 30 seconds, and then execute the macro that will set the input.  This will keep everything working as expected but also let the person do other things with the remote while the TV is warming up.

The driver creates dynamic timers, so there are no feedback variables or status updates about what timers are running. That was not the intent of the driver.
Name: TCP Server
Driver Version: 1.0
Last updated: 10/16/2016
Cost: $25.00
Download Link: Download
Driver download count: 67


Socket Server to launch macros

The driver will support up to 100 commands, running on whatever TCP Port that is above 1000 that you want. In the driver configuration you specify the string you want the driver to listen for and the macro you want it to launch.  The driver will also trigger an event.

The Socket Server expects a carriage return to be sent to indicate the command being sent should be processed.

Example for sending a command to the socket server


The socket server will process the string “1” and execute the macro associated with this string as well as trigger the event for the command that is looking for “1”

Name: DirecTV
Driver Version: 1.5
Last updated: 3/2/2017
Cost: $25.00
Download Link: Download
Driver download count: 446

RTI has an officially released version of this driver The primary difference between their version and mine is my version are the following items:
  • My version pulls extra data from DirecTV’s online guide data(station and program logos).
  • My version supports select all receivers as well as alllows a single command to all receivers for all commands.
  • My version allows for numbers to be inserted into a form and then sent later(makes it easier for correcting typing in mistakes)
  • My version supports master control
Revision History
  • 1.3 Added the ability to maintain a global two way favorites list
  • 1.4 Added Master Control Support. Switched from System.GetURL to HTTP for obtaining additional guide data. Added what is playing next, Episode and Season numbers as well as what category the current and next shows are.
  • 1.5 Fixed some miscellaneous bugs, select all receivers send to all recievers
The following data is also available if the additional guide button is checked and the XP processor has access to the internet
  • Season and Episode number
  • Station and Program Logos
  • Season / Episode available (Boolean)
  • Now Playing Category
  • Now Playing Video Format
  • Whats on Next Title
  • Whats on Next Station and Program Logos
  • Whats on Next Episode and Season Number
  • Whats on Next Season / Episode available (Boolean)
  • Whats on Next Video Format
  • Whats on Next Category
Name: Music Information
Manufacturer: N/A
Model: N/A
Driver Version: 1.03
Last updated: 11/23/2011
Cost: $10.00
Download Link: Download
Driver in Action: Video Link
Driver download count: 1098

This driver will take the now playing information (Artist,Title,Album) from an existing RTI mediadriver(squeezebox,iport,etc) and use LASTFM and ChartLyrics to find the following additional information:

• Artist Photos up to 50 (Theses can be displayed in 10 different images used as a slide show)
• Album Cover Art ( for use when using a driver that doesn’t provide this information)
• Album Tracks( displayed in text variables as well as in a scrollable list)
• Artist Bio(displayed in text variables as well as in a scrollable list)
• Partial Song lyrics (displayed in text variables as well as in a scrollable list)

The driver can be used in 2-ways.
1) Automatically gather information every time a song changes
2) Manually lookup information when a user requests for it.

There is a 128 charactor limitation for string variables. The driver will use up to 20 variables to hold Artist Bio and song lyrics text.

This driver is a middle man meaning it does nothing more then take data from one driver to look up data from a user driven online source(LASTFM). There will be times when the data is inaccurate. There will be times when it fails to get data due to network issues, or other general errors.

This driver will display information for 15 minutes without a valid XP specific serial number. 

Please feel free to check it out and make suggestions on how to improve it. I welcome constructive criticism.
Name: Pansonic
Manufacturer: Panasonic
Model: DMP-BDT Series
Driver Version: 1.0
Last updated: 11/11/2012
Cost: $20.00
Download Link: Download
Driver download count: 328

(Panasonic has removed IP Control from the 2013 players, BDT230 and BDT330)
This is a IP driver with minimal 2 way feedback for Panasonic DMP-BDT series Blu-Ray players.  It has been tested with a BDT220 and BDT320.  There is an option in the driver configuration to enable polling the status of the Blu-ray player. At this time it will track the total duration and current progress of a movie that is playing.  This information is only provided when playing a Blu-ray or DVD. These progress variables can be set to a variable so they only show when the information is available.  By default the driver has this polling information turned off.   Only turn it on if you are actually going to display the information on a remote control.

There isn’t a discrete power off command for these Blu-ray players.  Additional logic was added to the driver to give a single power off command.  It sends a play-mode command, then waits 5 seconds, then executes a power command.

•    Detected Player Type (e.g. BDT-DMP220)
•    Progress info available (true or false)
•    Running progress (0-100)
•    Total Duration  (pre-formatted string)
•    Remaining Time (pre-formatted string)

The driver will work for 2 hours without a valid serial number.

Name: Sony Blu-Ray
Manufacturer: Sony
Model: 5100
Driver Version: 1.05
Last updated: 3/2/2017
Cost: $20.00
Download Link: Download
Driver download count: 2008


This driver is for Sony Blu-Ray player control via IP.  The driver can control up to 10 players with a single instance of the driver.  The idea behind this is to make it faster and easier to manage controlling multiple players across multiple remotes.  All the commands for the player control can be the same.  You only need to tell the driver what player you want to control.  When the driver is configured to control multiple players, a single command can be sent to all players.  If a command is sent to the player and the player is powered off, the driver will first turn the player on, wait for 3 seconds and then execute the requested command. If the driver is configured to control a single player, the functions Set Controlling player will no longer be available. Selected Player variables and commands are always available regardless of the number of players’ setup in the configuration. The purpose was to never have to change the commands or variables on any source Blu-Ray pages regardless of how many players are used.  Same command works for all.

The driver has only been tested with a 2013 BD 5100.

If the driver fails to control your player, try using the register command. This process only needs to happen once.

The driver will run for 2 hours without a valid serial number.  If you would like a serial number, please send the money via paypal to me.  Include the MAC address of the XP processor and what the purchase is for in the notes field.  As soon as payment is received, I will send you a key.

Revision History
1.0    The Initial release of the driver
1.01 Added Model selection for each player (some players use a different TCP port for control)
1.02 Fixed a minor bug in the code that would prevent a command from being executed if multiple commands from two remotes controlling the same bd player were pressed at the same time.

1.03 Fixed problem with not correctly enumerating all remotes in a system file. Added the ability to set the default player for a remote(up to 20 remotes).

1.04 Fixed connection issue related to using the selected player commands

1.05 Added Master Control Support

Connection Requirements 

(All fields are required in order to power on the player)
•    IP address
•    Subnet Mask
•    MAC address

Selected Player Variables
•    Powered ON
•    Powered OFF
•    Connected
•    Disconnected

Player Specific Variables
•    Powered ON
•    Powered OFF
•    Connected
•    Disconnected

•    Powered ON
•    Powered OFF
•    Failed to Connect

Thank you to Joshua Combs from for sharing the http commands to control the player.  This was a HUGE help.

Name: Squeezebox
Driver Version: .92
Last updated: 5/20/2016
Cost: $50.00
Download Link: Download
Driver download count: 103

This driver can control up to 20 squeezebox players with a single instance of the driver loaded.  These players do not have to be connected to the same server.   All players can use custom menus that are ordered or renamed however you want. The easiest way to setup a custom menu is to first load all parent menu items, then add a temporary command to the remote control that will print the menu items to the log file(visible with the diagnostic driver).

If you are interested in this driver please test it to verify that it does exactly what you need.  I have provided a working example that shows how everything works. The driver is functional but not complete and has some known items that are not complete or not working correctly. I can’t guarantee that they will ever be completed.  I have been using this driver in jobs for over a year and it has been working as expected.

Below is an example of setting a home menu to show a custom order. Regardless if you chose to rename your items, you must put the strings in both Custom Menu Order and Menu Names.  The driver uses both of these fields.

Custom Parent Menu Order:
Favorites:Pandora:Spotify:Radio:Shoutcast:Music Folder:Artists:Genres:Local Music Search

Custom Parent Menu Names:
Favorites:Pandora:Spotify:Radio:Shoutcast:Music Folder:Artists:Genres:Local Music Search

Doing menu items this way is prone to have more troubleshooting issues, but it is the most flexible way to show or order the parent menu items that you want to see.

Here are the known issues
  • Browse list framing issue.  If loading is never cleared from the list you may need to go back up a level or reload the entire list.
  • If the squeezebox server disconnects(rebooted),  the driver may not reconnect. (it actually will, but it can take longer than expected).  I need to build in some better logic that handles this.  
  • When browsing back up can show the wrong title for the list that is shown
  • Playlist manipulation does not work(can’t save or change it)
  • If you have a returned list size that is greater than 3000 items, you will most likely run your XP out of memory.  I have yet been able to find any solution to this problem from any of the music drivers that are written.  The XP processors do not have enough memory to manage large lists.
Features not enabled
  • All extra configuration options in squeezebox(alarm clock,Music source,image browser,settings manager)
  • favorites can be shown or hidden per player however is most likely going to go away, so I did not allow the ability to save to favorites  All favorites are stored on the local server (/var/lib/squeezeboxserver/prefs/favorites.opml)Instead of creating a separate connection for each player, I create one connection to each server.  This connection maintains however many players are attached to that server.  This means setting hide from the favorites list for a player connected to a server will affect all other players connected to this server. This should really be a global setting but based on how the current configuration works and how it allows you to have multiple players connected to different servers, it is a bit challenging.

Name: Sonance 875DSE
Manufacturer: Sonance
Model: 875DSE
Driver Version: 1.0
Last updated: 5/23/2011
Cost: $25.00
Download Link: Download
Driver in Action: Video Link
Driver download count: 61

This driver is for a Sonance 875D MKII amplifier.

All channel and zone names can be pre-assigned in the driver configuration settings.

This amplifier has a lot of options available, instead of retyping what the manual says, I strongly advise you to read it.

The 875D amplifier doesn’t have toggles commands for power, mute or BBE processing. The driver has built in logic to add this functionality. Regardless of the mute status of a zone, volume adjustments change the channel or zone volume levels if that zone is on. If a zone is muted, additional logic was added to unmute the zone or channel if the volume is adjusted. When using a global volume up or down, it will not unmute a zone that is currently muted, but will adjust the volume for that zone or channel. (Be careful when using global volume up or down when there is a zone that is on and muted). Additional logic would need to be built in to the driver or a custom macro could be created to prevent this from happening.

It is highly recommended to not use zone volume and channel volume for control. Use one or the other.

 Please feel free to check it out and let me know if there are any problems. The driver will work for 2 hours without a valid XP specific serial number.
Name: Epson 6010
Manufacturer: Epson
Model: 6010
Driver Version: 1.0
Last updated: 4/30/2012
Cost: $20.00
Download Link: Download
Driver download count: 61


Epson 6010 projector

This driver is for Epson6010 projector. All of the basic functions have been tested and are working. The driver has been used in a job with out any issues.

This projector does not broadcast changes. All information is pulled when the projector first turns on. After the projector is turned a query is sent every 5 seconds to keep (Power,Input and Color Mode variables up to date. All other values are queried when their respective commands are executed from this driver.

The driver allows an integrator to send an input command with a power on or power off command.

  • If an input command is set with a power off command, the TV will be set to this input before powering off.
  • If an input is set with a power on command, this input will be changed when the TV is ready to receive a command. This was done to make it easier to program in ID and not have to worry about waiting X amount of seconds before sending an input command. Just let the driver do it, when the TV is ready

When the Projector is powered off, all input variables are set to false.

RS-232 Connection

  • The RS-232 connection on the switch should be connected with a null modem cable/adapter to the XP processor.

IP Connection

  • The Driver supports using a Global Cache iTach as a middle man enabling you to control the projector over a network connection.

Triggered Events

  •  Power On
  • Power Off
  • Input Change
  • Input HDMI 1
  • Input HDMI 2
  • Input Component
  • Input Video
  • Input PC
Name: LG Television
Manufacturer: LG
Model: LV
Driver Version: 1.0
Last updated: 5/2/2012
Cost: $0.00
Download Link: Download
Driver download count: 268

This driver is for LG Television.  It has been tested with a 47LV3700 television.  RTI already has a officially released driver for these televisions.  I needed a few additional features, so I rewrote my own version of it(heavily influenced by their version)

At the time the time this driver was written here are the features I have added
  • Support for a Global Cache iTach
  • Set input and volume on power on or power off
  • Update 3 separate variables to be used for graphic digits display
  • On driver startup, all known values are loaded.
  • Set TV input names
  • Remote specific popup variable

This TV does not broadcast changes.  All 2-way information is pulled every 5 seconds or when a command is executed.  If the TV is turned off, only the power status is queried.  If the TV is turned on, 4 separate queries are polled every 5 seconds (TV Power, TV Volume, TV Mute Status, TV Input).

The driver allows an integrator to send an input command with a power on or power off command as well as set the volume level. 
If an input command is set with a power off command,   the TV will be set to this input before powering off. 

  • If an input is set with a power on command, this input will be changed when the TV is ready to receive a command.  This was done to make it easier to program in ID and not have to worry about waiting X amount of seconds before sending an input command.  Just let the driver do it, when the TV is ready

  • When the TV is powered off, all input variables are set to false, except for the selected input integer variable.  An added command to test this input has been added in the event that someone needed to know the input the TV was set to. (I have no idea when you would ever want to do this, but it is there in case you need it).

Revision History
1.0    The Initial release of the driver

RS-232 Connection
The RS-232 connection on the switch should be connected with a null modem cable/adapter to the XP processor.

IP Connection
The Driver supports using a Global Cache iTach as a middle man enabling you to control the projector over a network connection.   (Native IP control for these TV’s isn’t documented)

Triggered Events
  • Power On
  • Power Off
  • Input Change
  • Input HDMI 1
  • Input HDMI 2
  • Input HDMI 3
  • Input Component 1
  • Input Component 2
  • Input PC
  • Input Photo Viewer (SD)
  • Input Viera Cast

Name: Panasonic Plasma
Manufacturer: Panasonic
Model: VT25 / VT30
Driver Version: 1.01
Last updated: 4/30/2012
Cost: $10.00
Download Link: Download
Driver download count: 91

This driver is for Panasonic VT series plasmas.  It has been tested with VT25 and VT30 series televisions

This TV does not broadcast changes.  All 2-way information is pulled every 10 seconds or when a command is executed.  If the TV is turned off, only the power status is queried.  If the TV is turned on, 4 separate queries are polled every 10 seconds (TV Power, TV Volume, TV Mute Status, TV Input).

The driver allows an integrator to send an input command with a power on or power off command.
  • If an input command is set with a power off command,   the TV will be set to this input before powering off. 
  • If an input is set with a power on command, this input will be changed when the TV is ready to receive a command.  This was done to make it easier to program in ID and not have to worry about waiting X amount of seconds before sending an input command.  Just let the driver do it, when the TV is ready   
When the TV is powered off, all input variables are set to false, except for the selected input integer variable.  An added command to test this input has been added in the event that someone needed to know the input the TV was set to. (I have no idea when you would ever want to do this, but it is there in case you need it).

RS-232 Connection

  • The RS-232 connection on the switch should be connected with a null modem cable/adapter to the XP processor.

IP Connection

  • The Driver supports using a Global Cache iTach as a middle man enabling you to control the display over a network connection.   (Native IP control for these TV’s isn’tdocumented nor does it support Power ON)

The driver requires a valid serial number to function indefinitely.   If a serial number isn’t provided, the driver will work for 2 hours.

Name: Panasonic VT/GT (IP)
Manufacturer: Panasonic
Model: VT50
Driver Version: 1.0
Last updated: 12/1/2012
Cost: $20.00
Download Link: Download
Driver download count: 285


This is a one way IP driver for Panasonic TV’s.  It has been tested with a 2012 VT50.  This TV will power on if a WOL Magic Packet is sent to it. This command is used to provide a discrete power on command. You must turn WOL on in the network settings for this to work.   The driver requires the IP address and MAC address of the TV in order to work. 

There are no discrete input commands. Logic was built into the driver to simulate a discrete input command.  It sends an input, followed by a 1 second delay followed by the respective number for that input.

The driver allows an integrator to pre select a input command with a power on or power off command.

  • If an input command is set with a power off command,   the TV will be set to this input before powering off. 

  • If an input is set with a power on command, this input will be changed when the TV is ready to receive a command. This was done to make it easier to program in ID and not have to worry about waiting X amount of seconds before sending an input command. Just let the driver do it, when the TV is ready

Revision History

1.00      Initial Release

  • TV Powered ON
  • TV Powered OFF
  • Trial Expire Time
  • Trial Expired
  • Entered Serial Number
  • Driver Connected

The driver requires a valid serial number to function indefinitely. If a serial number isn’t provided, the driver will work for 2 hours.